The digital painting of this artwork explored the past and present moment of the Crypto Art movement and NFT art on blockchain. “HOMERPEPE” was a digital collectible card, part of RarePepes, which was one of the first NFT projects. It’s sale for $39,000 in January 2018 provided a testament that collectors see value in this new asset class. “I see HOMERPEPE as the most important NFT in art history because its headline-making sale in 2018 influenced so many of the original crypto artists to believe we could put our art to work building both a market and belief around this new technology.”
The digital painting’s NFT was minted on February 25th, 2021 at the moment that auction house Christies opened bids for the artwork “Everydays: The First 5000 Days” by digital designer Mike Winkelmann, also known as Beeple. The auction for “CryptoArt Monetization Generation” closed on March 11th, 2021 shortly after the Christies auction resulted in a record $69,346,250 sale.
This artwork contains additional transactional elements which have not been revealed yet.
“CryptoArt Monetization Generation”
2025 | nft, raster digital art, transactions on blockchain & custom software programmed by the artist

Rarest Pepe — ‘most important NFT in art history’ — sells for 205 ETH
Well-known artist Matt Kane, honored in Cointelegraph’s Top 100 this year, had earlier created a tribute artwork to Homer Pepe and his tweet about it drew attention to the fact that Kell was looking to sell the original.
Kane said: “I see HOMERPEPE as the most important NFT in art history because its headline-making sale in 2018 influenced so many of the original crypto artists to believe we could put our art to work building both a market and belief around this new technology.”
Within CryptoArt culture on Twitter, it’s common for “congrats” and “deserved” to be said between artists at the time of artwork sales and other achievements. Each of these words were minted as their own NFT and sent to the private digital wallet address of two different artists for two different reasons. Instructions were provided to send the NFT to someone in the future they wish to congratulate or express that an accolade was especially deserved. Also, to provide instructions to send it on at an appropriate time. Over time, it is my vision that the sending of these NFTs will create a beautiful on-going chain of relational transactions between artists, recording CryptoArt history as it happens into the future– creating a direct link between the future and the past.
Should a present holder wish for help paying for a transaction’s gas, please reach out privately and we’ll work together to keep the NFT moving.
2021 | nft & relational transactions on blockchain

This is an NFT from the EthWords project which allows unique ownership of words on the blockchain. I minted “congrats” and chose to send it to the digital wallet of Mike Winkelmann, a digital designer also known as Beeple, at the moment of the closing of his record setting auction at Christies on March 11, 2021. The intent is for this NFT to be passed on when heartfelt “congrats” is intended to be expressed. This will create a chain of relational transactions between artists and community members, moving forward into the future, recording a portion of CryptoArt history as it happens.
In the event a recipient of this NFT requires financial help to pay for the gas in order to pass this NFT on to the next, they should privately reach out to me through DM on Twitter prior to sending.
Sent as a transaction from one artist’s cryptographically secure wallet address to the next. Today, sent from @mattkaneartist to @beeple at the moment the hammer closed on their auction this morning at @ChristiesInc. #blockchainasmedium
— ᴍᴀᴛᴛ ᴋᴀɴᴇ (@MattKaneArtist) March 11, 2021
2021 | nft & relational transactions on blockchain

This is an NFT from the EthWords project which allows unique ownership of words on the blockchain. I minted “deserved” and chose to send it to the digital wallet of Jason Bailey, an artist and writer who has been a leader and promoter of the art on blockchain movement known as Crypto Art. The intent is for this NFT to be passed on when heartfelt “deserved” is intended to be expressed. This will create a chain of relational transactions between artists and community members, moving forward into the future, recording portions of CryptoArt history as it happens.
In the event a recipient of this NFT requires financial help to pay for the gas in order to pass this NFT on to the next, they should privately reach out to me through DM on Twitter prior to sending.
@artnome, the trust this #cryptoart community has put in you is well #deserved– so too are your recent interviews and the many donations made to @GreenNFTs. It’s many thanks to you for your leadership and promotion of NFTs over the years that the present moment is possible.
— ᴍᴀᴛᴛ ᴋᴀɴᴇ (@MattKaneArtist) March 13, 2021